Sunday 7 March 2010

Two for the price of one.

This weekend I took part in two races in two days - one deliberately and one by accident!

On Saturday my girlfriend Steph and I joined two other friends for a 5k race organised by (see picture). I managed to run a half decent time and although it is only 1/8th of the distance I will have to cover at the end of April it was good to have a practice go at running with other people instead of just being out on my own.
Today I took on a 15.6 mile course which took my weekly total to a 'record' 52.6 miles. A couple of miles in, I found myself running along with a number of other runners, except these guys were 'proper runners!' One can spot a proper runner by their attire - a skimpy vest, tiny shorts and flash looking trainers! I guessed that they were in some manner of race by the speed they were going and was proven correct when I passed a fully staffed drinks station that clearly wasn't there just for me! None the less, I was offered a drink and sincere encouragement on my way past which I took as a massive compliment - despite the normal shorts and elephant t-shirt, they obviously thought that I was involved in the race!
I later found out that it was the Cambridge University Running Club's annual marathon/ half marathon - glad I didn't follow them all the way round!

I have now run a total of 221.4 miles with 7 weeks remaining!


  1. Whats your half decent time mate?

  2. I finished in 19:03 and came fourth. Check out they do free races every Saturday and they have courses all over the country. Worth looking into if you are interested!
