Friday 5 February 2010

Weekend adventure

Went for a good long run this evening through some lovely muddy fields down by the river in Cambridge, I've decided that I am going to do one long run each week and try to add on an extra mile each time!
Tomorrow I am off down to London to attend a London Marathon 'meet the experts' day. Its basically a free exhibition for people like me that are running for a charity giving us the opportunity to speak to people about 'nutrition strategies', training regimes and also get our gait analysed! That sounds a little uncomfortable but basically involved being filmed running on a treadmill and then having someone try to sell you a new pair of trainers!

As I am going to be in London, I may also try to have a sneaky look around some of the course!

1 comment:

  1. Mata having you gait analysed is nothing after you've lived through the Uni rectal thermometers...

